OMG-MGM CRANES can provide height and outreach increases, span change, replacement of old trolleys, renewal of electrical equipment, motors replacement, increasing cranes performances, by rebirthing the cranes for upgraded residual crane life and cost saving; your cranes or any kind of travelling cranes can be refurbished with upgraded capacity, better service, speeds, geometrical updating, duty classification and durability, saving on operation costs and maintenance of the apparatus, whilst improving productivity, safety and reliability.
Renewal of the entire electrical equipment, including cabling, is provided by mechanical and electrical engineering team.
OMG-MGM CRANES, has developed and uses a dedicated “lifting cage” to raise the crane.
The equipment, designed and manufactured by OMG-MGM team, has been already used successfully many times on existing machines. The system is made by a dummy portal on steel frame, located over the lower sill beams and strand jacks for raising finalization: this equipment has the eculiarity to limit the civil works on the site area and doesn’t require the crane transfer, since the activities could be carried out directly on quay site during few weeks and without affecting the terminal operations.