Pema UK

The decision was made unanimously by all Board Members and was articulated through to the Chairs and Vice – Chairs of the Technical Committees. England’s capital, housing once the largest port in the world, has been selected after a proposal from Tratos UK’s CEO Dr. Maurizio Bragagni to sponsor the event.

As part of the entire seminar package, PEMA will negotiate an exclusive private visit to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) through its inner contacts as well as a hosted dinner in the House of Commons in Westminster.

Further information will be distributed to all our members in the near future via email.

About PEMA
Founded in 2004, PEMA provides a forum and public voice for the global port equipment and technology sectors. The Association has seen strong growth in recent years, and now has 110 member companies representing all facets of the industry, including crane, equipment and component manufacturers, automation, software and technology providers, consultants and other experts.