GEAPS 2020

The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) is an international association that supports its members and the industry by serving as The Knowledge Resource for the world of grain handling and processing industry operations.

GEAPS addresses the industry’s critical grain handling, storage and processing operations needs by providing the finest networking, professional development programs, and access to a global marketplace of equipment, services and technology solutions providers.

GEAPS global network of industry professionals includes more than 2,500 individual members from about 1,150 companies.

GEAPS Exchange is an annual International Technical Conference and Exposition.

Each year thousands of attendees gather at the conference to learn about the latest topics affecting the industry and explore innovative new products and services in the Expo Hall. The location of the Exchange changes from year to year.

Last year in New Orleans, Louisiana the Exchange drew more than 2,700 attendees from 19 countries, hosting 407 exhibitors in 290,000 square feet of exhibit space.